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The Hardest Goodbye

As I write this I am sitting on a flight home to the US, crying next to Izzy as we share each other's sadness. Leaving New Zealand is one of the hardest things I've had to do. I've never even had a break up that made me feel this way. My heart is so heavy, my eyes so puffy. It all just hurts a lot. Its not only the physical place I don't want to leave, but also the people and who I have become. I love the way I am here and around the people I've met. Its not that I've really changed that much, but I know somehow I am different. I think I am a lot more accepting of myself and others. I am more comfortable with who I am and I want to be like this always.

The friends I've made abroad are so special to me. Our time together has been fleeting but incredible. I am forever changed by knowing them. I would have never thought I would grow so fond of the "internationals" I met that first week of "Uni". They are all so quirky and we are all so different; its hard to imagine how such a random bunch grew so close. But its because our group was so random, different, and a bit weird at times, that we had such an amazing semester.

And this place! The most beautiful sites I've ever seen! There were so many times on our South Island road trip that I would tear up because the scenery was so breath-taking. It is hard to imagine that one small country could be so beautiful. I'm so upset that there were so many things I didn't get to see or do: Tongariro Crossing, Mt. Cook, bungy-jumping, see a kiwi (bird), go surfing again, become friends with more kiwis (New Zealanders), and so much more. I guess that just means I need to come back someday to make sure I experience every thing New Zealand has to offer.

New Zealand is unlike any place I have experienced: from the accents to the strange sayings to the diagonal crosswalks (genius! though I realize they must have these other places as well...). I feel like I am losing a really significant part of my life. But I need to try and remember that New Zealand will always be with me and be a part of me. No one can take my experiences, emotions, and memories away. I want to do all that I can to remember the people and places that made this semester so special and life-changing. I have realized from this experience that I need to appreciate everything around me and take advantage of any opportunities for adventure. Seriously, its so cheesy, but here is a message to my self and to you: live life to the fullest. Appreciate everyone in your life and the time you can spend with them, no matter how brief. Take chances, make memories, and never be afraid to be yourself or stand up for what you want and believe in.

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