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South Island Road Trip: Our Hitchhiker Friend

As we are leaving Fox Glacier to go to Wanaka, we see a guy standing on the side of the road with a cardboard sign reading "Wanaka"... So naturally we decided to stop and pick up a hitchhiker! I would say we hit the jackpot as far as hitchhikers go. His name was Alejandro, originally from Mexico and traveling around the world.

He told us one of the only reasons he was going to Wanaka on his way to Queenstown was because of these cookies that were supposed to be AMAZING. When we got to Wanaka we went with him to find said cookies, and let me tell you, they were so delicious. Fresh baked, warm, gooey, and perfect with a glass of milk :)

We dropped Alejandro off at a hostel, but decided to pick him up again the next day to go on a hike! We also met up with our friend Aimee who was babysitting at a farm for the break.


We went to the Rob Roy track 30 minutes from Wanaka:


It was pretty steep at times but we made sure to make many stops along the way :)


(Cold baked beans for lunch!)

At the top were beautifil snow capped mountains!


Then we got to see a beautiful sunest with a rainbow before heading to Queenstown!


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