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Sometimes You Have to Learn the Hard Way

Well yesterday was interesting...

A few of us were hanging out in the lounge and one of our friends decided he wanted to make egg and bacon sandwiches. So we went downstairs to the kitchen and he started to cook the bacon in a frying pan. The pan mayyy have been too hot.. and the bacon burned only a little, but apparently the smoke detectors here are super sensitive! The alarm started to go off and EVERYONE in the 11 story building evacuated into the low 50 degree weather, most of us without shoes on either (at least only a third of the students were in the building). The fire trucks came and the fire fighters spent about 1 minute inside since there was nothing to see but a pan of cooked bacon.


And after all of that was said and done, we learn that there is something like a $500 dollar fee if you set the alarm off and cause the fire trucks to come to the building -_- I think that is absolutely rediculous, epecially because we had the fan on and there was barely any smoke; the pan was just sizzling!

This beautiful sandwhich may cost someone $500... such a tragedy...


By the way, egg yolks here are very orange!

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